We wish to thank all of our sponsors who proudly came through again this year. They include, Northland Docks, FXR Racing, Wisconsin Public Services, Stillwaters Bar and Grill, Marshfield Clinic, Liesen and Pinzel Dental Offices, Wisconsin National Guard, Ryden Marine, Jim and Kathy Kane, Pat and Kathy Blair, William (Hop Crow) Kokaska and his daughter PJ Kokaska, Stormy Kromer, St. Germain ATV Club Inc., Steven Soltweidel, Mia Heike and Frank Beaton, Susan Stein, and Roger and Carla Klein. This team of sponsors, volunteers, and contributors all pulling together is what makes it all happen.

This is a photo of the group just prior to boarding their assigned sleds and showing off their new their brand new Stormy Kromer mittens and new FXR snowmobile suits. A big thanks goes out to Andrea Ludtke of Stormy Kromer for making this happen.

Our week-end started this year on a Thursday. A soldier called and asked if it was possible to come a day earlier and take in some ice fishing. Well low and behold there were others that wanted to do the same thing so a quick call to Neal and Renee of Northland Docks and the owners of Camp Shed Horn in Watersmeet MI, set the wheels in motion and generously obliged their request. So on Thursday they started to arrive. By early Friday morning they were out on the ice and drilling holes and placing tip ups. In fact it got to be a competitive hole drilling exercise between Sergent First Class Richard Helm and Staff Sergent Jennifer Driebel to see who could drill a whole the fastest. Army competition at its finest.
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Staff Sgt, Butterfield, before the Northern is filleted! |
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Sgt. Tiffany Georges display the catch of the day! |
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SSgt Cara Butterfield cooks up the Northern fillet. |
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Mom brought home some fish and made this one happy fella! |
Friday Evening we took everyone to the Gateway Lodge in Land of Lakes for a typical Wisconsin fish fry. However, because the weather was very warm, the snowmobile trails leading to the lodge were in very poor condition so we decided it would be safer, and less wear and tear on our sleds, to go there by car. The fish was very good. After dinner we headed back to Camp Shed Horn to relax. Some soldiers took advantage of the sauna at the camp, while others watched TV, and still others played a card game, which I am told, everyone was playing and involved till the late evening.
Arriving at the Camp early Saturday morning we made the soldiers coffee, juice, pancakes, and venison bacon. This breakfast was quite a hit with everyone, as they awoke one by one and ventured sleepily into the kitchen. The venison bacon was provided by Sgt. Bruce Free, and Sergent First Class Terry Marsh. But then it was time to suit up in their new FXR suits and head out to mount the sleds. However, as you can see from the photos below, by afternoon the trails were totally impassible. But that morning they we still somewhat OK, and our sled instructor Captain Roger Klein (Retired) instructed the novice riders and took them out heading North towards Marenisco, MI from Watersmeet, MI.
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Viewing the poor trail conditions. |
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Viewing the trails behind the sled. |
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Captain Klein goes over the controls with SSgt Butterfield...... |
We were all loaded up and they were off on their morning ride. When they returned I took this short video of their arrival.
However, the trails were really in poor shape and we decided that our next stop at Stillwaters in Star Lake would be via automobile. So we loaded everyone up and we were on our way. Destination Stillwaters Restaurant and Bar. We were greeted by the best cook and staunch supporter of Soldiers on Sleds year after year, Mr. Chuck Altamore owner of Stillwaters and a Navy man to boot. He is such a great guy and always tells me, "Anything for the Vets!".
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Stillwaters Restaurant and Bar on Highway K in Star Lake, Wisconsin |

Here is a link to an aerial video of the Radar Run.
Soon it was time to go and return to the camp. We had made no firm plans for dinner, and one of the soldiers thought she'd like to use the kitchen and make dinner for all of us. So her and another soldier headed off to the local market in Watersmeet MI, to pick up a few things. I know for me, and probably Roger too and a few others, that I had not had a supper (New England term) of hot tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches since I was a kid. SSGT Buttefield used her culinary skills to make this soup, pretty much from scratch, while SFC Helm helped out in the kitchen with the sandwiches. Everyone seemed to enjoy their impromptu evening meal. Just goes to prove, that these soldiers are always ready, and can certainly improvise when needed.
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Can we have seconds? |
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The camp cook takes her bows! |
When I arrived at the camp the next morning, I brought Paczki's that were freshly baked at the local Pick n Save in Eagle River. Some in the group had never had them before, and they were quickly devoured.
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Pazki's in preparation for Fat Tuesday! |
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Sgt. Driebel packs her car. |
It's hard to end a great week-end like this and say good bye to new friends and old ones alike. But I think we achieve our goals and objectives. They all stated they had a great time, even though there was limited snowmobiling. It didn't really seem to matter, and the camaraderie was much more important to them. Some said just getting away together with others of their soldier community, spending time with each other, and not have in a worry in the world during their week-end, was well worth the trip they took to get there. But for us, the people who volunteer and who run the Soldiers on Sleds organization it is not over by no means, as we start to plan again for next year.
Thanks again to all those who support us in achieving our goals and objectives. We will certainly do it all again next year for sure. We hope you will join us in support and in spirit, even if you cannot be there in person...........